Time Management Tips While Working From Home
Time management is one of the most powerful skills any business professional can have. It allows you to manage your time more effectively and become much more productive during your daily tasks. As more and more people are working from home in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, they are discovering that time management can be a challenge. Undoubtedly, there are many more distractions at home than there are at the office, but there are some ways that you can avoid the distractions and manage your time more effectively.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some things you can do to manage your time while working from home:
Set Daily Goals- long-term goals are usually not detailed enough. So, you need to combine them with far more practical daily goals. By achieving your daily goals consistently, your long-term goals will be easier to achieve. This strategy ensures that you achieve something meaningful each day. Having daily goals may sound simple, but your productivity will go through the roof.
Limit Email Times- if you need to interact with clients, you can’t afford to turn off the email. Set certain email addresses as high priority. So, when new emails are pouring in, you won’t get distracted easily. When you get particularly important emails from clients, limit the time needed to read and respond to them.
Take Short Breaks Frequently- our mind can’t work non-stop and we need frequent breaks. A 30-second break now and then should be enough to refresh your body and mind. Avoid running on fumes because you may still overwork while working from home. By keeping your physical, emotional, and mental conditions balanced, you can remain productive.
Find Inspirations- if you need creativity to complete a task, it is possible that you lack inspirations at times. Turn to inspirational sources like relevant YouTube videos. When you are losing the drive, avoid pushing yourself too hard. Working hard without having a clear goal and inspiration may backfire. It is better to spend time discussing with co-workers or focus on inspiring content.
Delegate- it is now easier than ever to collaborate with co-workers, although we are working from home. Discuss with co-workers how to properly delegate certain tasks. More complicated tasks and bigger projects are easier to handle if your team delegates properly. Use a Pomodoro Timer app– Forest, Focus Keeper, Focus to break your time into
25 minute chunks and help focus.
Contact Mantus Learning
To learn more time management tips for you and your team, contact Mantus Learning and speak with a management training expert today.
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