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How do we combat working from home stress and loneliness?

The thrill of working from home may be wearing off now that many individuals have been doing so for a long time. Working remotely may also have a negative side: loneliness. Even when everyone in the company is busy, workplace loneliness may be an issue. However, an abrupt change to remote work might put you in danger.

Even if you work from home with your spouse and children, you may experience professional loneliness. According to studies, office loneliness hurts job performance. Coworkers may find you less accessible and cease cooperating, making you a less successful worker.

Tips to combat working from home stress and loneliness:

Working from home is easy and pleasant, but it might be lonely after a while when you're alone all day. Many people are becoming used to working from home during the previous few years.

Below are three of the best tips to combat working from home stress and loneliness,

Work outside of your house at least one day every week:

Getting out of your daily work and into the world, whether in a co-working space, a coffee shop, or a local library, is the first step in combating feelings of isolation. One day a week, go to a local co-working space, coffee shop, library, or university to work and meet new people.

If you have a friend who works remotely, invite them along so you can collaborate. Even if you don't speak to many other people, you could find that simply getting out of the home makes you feel like you're a part of something greater.

If this describes you, contact other remote workers in your city or state to arrange a meet-up where you can spend time working on comparable projects together.

Use your daytime flexibility to your advantage.

Be kind to yourself and indulge yourself now and then. Make use of the flexibility in your schedule to include time for more friends or relatives. When working from home, most individuals work longer hours. It's sometimes great to turn off your computer and leave the house 30 minutes sooner.

When you're feeling lonely, make arrangements after work.

If you're a remote worker who doesn't get to spend much time working or socializing with your coworkers, arrange plans with friends or family members during the week when you're feeling lonely.

These strategies will make you feel more like a team member, and they will compel you to finish working at the end of the day so you don't get overworked or burned out.

Final thoughts:

With Stress Awareness Month (April - UK) just around the corner, more needs to be done to address the ongoing issues of working from home loneliness – says CEO of Mantus Learning, Patrick Haywood.

Therefore, virtual training is now available for all of their best-selling courses. They use Zoom and MS Teams to develop and deliver programs to all levels of employees in all industries. The most popular courses are mental health, stress and resilience, managing remote teams, facilitating remote meetings, and time management.


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